by type
Office buildings
Civic amenities buildings
Multifunctional buildings
Residential houses
Family houses
Urban design
by date
2010 and older
Family house with a swimming pool in Klánovice
Interior of the family house with a swimming pool in Klánovice
Apartment interior in Austria
Family house in Prague
Interior of the family house in Prague
Reconstruction of
Church and completion of
parish center in Prague, Lhotka
Workroom above the family house garage in Prague
Dental office interior in Šestajovice
Design projects of Marks & Spencer salesrooms in Central Europe and the Baltic region
Family house reconstruction
in Klánovice
Flat interior in Prague
Individual design of wooden stucture houses
Interior of family house in Klánovice
Interior of the villa - Černý Vůl
Retirement house in Pacov
interior design in CCM Prague
Tire repair shop in Újezd nad Lesy
Urban design of Písek riverside
architectural-art competititon
Urban development
of the Mělník municipality
urban design competiotion
Cottage in Krkonoše
Family house in Černošice
Family house in Koloděje
Family house in Prague-Stodůlky
Family house in Soběslav
Family house in Zeleneč
Nursery school in Pacov
Office building of the Bluetech company in Pacov
Villa in Černý Vůl
Villa in Prague-Suchdol
implantology and a histic regeneration centre in Prague
Family house in Šestajovice
Family house in Točná
Interior of the family house in Šestajovice
Interior of the family house in Točná
Interior of the villa in Prague–Stodůlky
Nursery school in Líbeznice
Office interior in Prague-Podolí
Transformation of the Pacov castle
Villa in Prague–Stodůlky
A family house interior in Beroun I
A family house interior in Beroun II
A law office interior in Prague
Extension of a family house in Klánovice
Family house in Újezd nad Lesy
Family house near Prague
Embassy of the Czech Republic in Washington - architectural competition
Family house in Říčany
Multifunctional building in Stará Boleslav
Reconstruction and extension of the Admirál bar
Residential house Holečkova in Prague
Villa in the centre of the Czech Republic
Apartment resort in Demenová
Atrium D of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University
Cottage in Pec pod Sněžkou
Loft interior in Prague
Residential house in Prague-Hlubočepy
Complex of family houses-Slivenecký háj
Family house in Újezd nad Lesy
Family house in Zeleneč
Flat interior in Prague, Žižkov
Holiday house in Stružinec
Interior of the Barley hotel in Prague
Residential complex at Vackov
Residential house in Jeseniova street in Prague
Concept of rehabilitation and development of the village Břve
Family house in Kostelec u Křížků
Family House in Praha - Kunratice
Interior of the family house in Kostelec u Křížků
Loft in Prague–Bubeneč
Residential house in Ostrava
Residential house in Prague-Košíře
A blue house in Klánovice
Canteen and labs built into the complex of the Czech Technical University at Charles Square
Completion of school campus in Úvaly
Family house in Klánovice
Family house near to Prague
Family house reconstruction in Klánovice
Terrace houses in Šestajovice
Villa Houses Complex in Hřebenky
Villa in Sibřina II
Conversion of a factory into a residential complex in Horšovský Týn
Design solution of the exhibition of the 21st International Biennial of Graphic Design Brno
Family house in Černílov
Family house in Hovorčovice
Family house in Mnichovo Hradiště
Family house in Těptín
Interior of the villa in Černošice
Moravian-Silesian scientific library in Ostrava-architectural competition
Residential complex in Prague-Na Krutci
Semi-detached house reconstruction in Uhříněves
Villa in Černošice
Completion of Metallurgy plant and ateliers Stará Huť in Příbram
Design solution of the exhibition of the 20th International Biennial of Graphic Design Brno
Double dwelling house in Prague - Stodůlky
EUROPAN 7 - parasites
Prague Libeň, Palmovka
Loft in Prague–Podolí
Mediatheque U Zvonu in Plzeň
architectural competition
Private social club in Prague
Residential complex at Bášť
Villa in Říčany
Embassy of the Czech Republic in Kinshasa
Embassy of the Czech Republic in London-architectural competition
EUROPAN 6 - in between cities-suburbs of Prague-Smíchov
Factory transformation into flats, office and public facilities in Prague - Holešovice
Family house in Dubeč
Family house in Klánovice
Villa in Sibřina
Gym extension of the elementary School in Klánovice
Mourning Hall in Opava
Villa in Čerčany
Villa in Klánovice
Nursing Home in Písek
Reconstruction of the pension in Vacov
ZOO extention in Jihlava
Entrance and administrative extension of Lasak facilities